Retro Bowl College
The official spin-off of the smash hit RETRO BOWL takes you back to the old-school. If you thought managing a Pro Team was a challenge - you've seen nothing yet!
Make a name for yourself as a winning Head Coach for one of 250 College teams. Manage tight budgets and encourage your hotheaded young players to keep their eye on the ball when they're surrounded by the temptations and distractions of College life. Can you tell the difference between the next Pro Football superstar and the party animal who doesn't know when to quit? Can you foster their talents and help them make the Draft? Can you turn your school into the greatest Football College of all time?
Make a name for yourself as a winning Head Coach for one of 250 College teams. Manage tight budgets and encourage your hotheaded young players to keep their eye on the ball when they're surrounded by the temptations and distractions of College life. Can you tell the difference between the next Pro Football superstar and the party animal who doesn't know when to quit? Can you foster their talents and help them make the Draft? Can you turn your school into the greatest Football College of all time?
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May 02, 2023
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