Super BAWK BAWK Chicken
You’re now Clucky the chicken, a superhero trying to make your way through treacherous terrain by dodging every obstacle that comes your way! Hone your skills as you test the limits of your powers:
Run through bustling barnyards, past cruising cows and scary signposts.
Jump over hefty haystacks, treacherous tractors and flying fish.
Glide past chompy crocodiles, large lakes and copious cabbage crops.
Dash under fierce fireballs, through cramped clotheslines and towards Rascal the Raccoon.
Dodge dastardly ducks with passive time slow to survive those close calls.
BAWK! Destroy everything in your path with a BAWK - from crowded cornfields and weighty walls to clever cats and tricky trees, nothing can withstand the power of a BAWK!
Collect eggs as you run to spend on items at Wesley's Wares. Items change the way you play and make Clucky look egg-cellent.
Customise Clucky's style with futuristic space suits, wobbly peg legs and stylish handbags, Clucky pulls off any look.
Find magical mythics that empower Clucky with game-breaking abilities such as first person perspective, invincible phase dashes and BIG CLUCKY MODE (A giant invulnerable Clucky).
Wesley needs you! Rascal the raccoon has been stealing items again. Catch the thief to reclaim and restock the stolen goods.
40+ endless levels with different challenges and themes.
80+ unique obstacles to face in countless combinations.
40+ items, with over 2500 combos.
Prove your prowess by competing for the top spot in global leader boards.
Adjust the game speed to suit your play style
Randomly generated daily trials so there's always something fresh to play.
Loads of fun extras - daily missions, bonus levels with wacky obstacles (GIANT FROGGOS anyone?)
Run through bustling barnyards, past cruising cows and scary signposts.
Jump over hefty haystacks, treacherous tractors and flying fish.
Glide past chompy crocodiles, large lakes and copious cabbage crops.
Dash under fierce fireballs, through cramped clotheslines and towards Rascal the Raccoon.
Dodge dastardly ducks with passive time slow to survive those close calls.
BAWK! Destroy everything in your path with a BAWK - from crowded cornfields and weighty walls to clever cats and tricky trees, nothing can withstand the power of a BAWK!
Collect eggs as you run to spend on items at Wesley's Wares. Items change the way you play and make Clucky look egg-cellent.
Customise Clucky's style with futuristic space suits, wobbly peg legs and stylish handbags, Clucky pulls off any look.
Find magical mythics that empower Clucky with game-breaking abilities such as first person perspective, invincible phase dashes and BIG CLUCKY MODE (A giant invulnerable Clucky).
Wesley needs you! Rascal the raccoon has been stealing items again. Catch the thief to reclaim and restock the stolen goods.
40+ endless levels with different challenges and themes.
80+ unique obstacles to face in countless combinations.
40+ items, with over 2500 combos.
Prove your prowess by competing for the top spot in global leader boards.
Adjust the game speed to suit your play style
Randomly generated daily trials so there's always something fresh to play.
Loads of fun extras - daily missions, bonus levels with wacky obstacles (GIANT FROGGOS anyone?)
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